
cat de stupizi putem fi?

sa avem asa un conducator???

"Piracy helped the young generation discover computers. It set off the development of the IT industry in Romania," Basescu said during a joint news conference with Gates.

"It helped Romanians improve their creative capacity in the IT industry, which has become famous around the world ... Ten years ago, it was an investment in Romania's friendship with Microsoft and with Bill Gates."

nu ca ash avea ceva cu base...n-am..da tre sa fi nitel batut in cap sa faci asemenea remarci la un nene care poate investi in ice age romania niste banuti..
evident probabil gates si-a ridicat fata de pe jos..si a zis no comment dudez.

pe o parte are dreptate tembelu'..da faptul ca folosesti un soft piratat nu te deshteapta...cel putin astea care-s folosite in mod curent...pentru o muzica, un film un joc...asa ca shut up prezident si da-ti doo palme ca ai dat cu mucu-n fasole si cu vorbele prin razoru' cu ceapa.


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